  • 学生姓名:丁同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:申请中 入学时间:2021-9
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:International Luxury Marketing MSc
  • 学部:Oxford Brookes Business School 申请学制:一年全日制
  • 国内毕业院校:南京航空航天大学金城学院

申请专业:International Luxury Marketing MSc

Compulsory modules
Introduction to the Principles of Marketing
This module introduces the key principles of marketing by studying the theories that underpin the subject. You will explore the roles of buyers, the marketing environment, and the ways in which marketers plan, manage, implement and monitor marketing programmes in the context of the international environment of the 21st century.

Understanding Customer Behaviour
You will critically appraise the behaviours of customers and their interactions with marketing. Informed by behavioural science, you will analyse why customers behave as they do and how marketing activity influences their behaviours. This analysis informs your critical understanding and implementation of both strategic and responsible marketing practice. An innovative dimension of this course is the investigation of change agents that will significantly influence the behaviours of customers in the future, for example neuroscience, climate change and technology innovation. This is an analytical module that utilises research evidence to inform evaluation, behavioural and communications research.

Research Methods for Events and Marketing
This module delivers the skills that enable you to conduct marketing research independently. Students on the MSc programmes are expected to undertake effective research drawing upon a range of secondary and primary data sources in the preparation of coursework. It is important that you are exposed to a range of methodological issues, data collection techniques and study skills. In addition, this Research Methods module is geared towards the preparation for, and successful completion of, high quality, rigorous and systematic research for business and management.

Professional and Academic Development
This professional and academic skills development module helps you to become a lifelong learner and enhances your employability. Starting with a focus on how to achieve your best academically, you will then develop your skills for employment and career planning. You will work through a self-development plan, taking the lead in your own learning and development. You will be coached in identifying, engaging in and reflecting on how you can gain from developmental activities within the university and externally.

Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy
Digital technologies have transformed marketing, they offer new sources of customer insight, they have dramatically changed customer behaviour, enabled new business models and impacted how organisations interact with their customers and key stakeholders. This module aims to take a strategic perspective of the digital and social media environment. It focuses on the interaction between consumers, businesses and other organisations and how thinking digitally can assist in effective marketing. Web based media, mobile platforms, social media and digital tools are reviewed, practised and critically evaluated to identify successful performance and to create contemporary digital marketing strategies.

Global Marketing Strategy
You will build on the Principles of Marketing module, and explore the global marketing environment. There is a particular emphasis on internationalisation and the creation and development of global markets. You will understand the principles, influences, and institutions affecting the development of international trade and global marketing strategies. You will analyse opportunities and constraints in the context of global marketing strategy, and the associated organisational and control issues associated with the development of global markets. This includes an appreciation of the importance of ethical and social issues.

International Luxury Marketing
This module examines the strategic decisions involved in luxury marketing and luxury brand management. Students have the opportunity to plan and critically evaluate luxury marketing campaigns. Luxury brands are unique in that they offer the consumer a high-quality product or service coupled with the emotional benefits of prestige and exclusivity. This module brings together contemporary luxury marketing theories and practice, spanning many fields such as jewellery, fashion accessories, tourism, fine wine, spirits and prestige cars.

Managing the Luxury Experience
This module links operations management to the core strategic aspects of international luxury retail management across different channels. Students will understand how some places have become synonyms of luxury destinations, because of their ability to create and deliver a seamless luxury experience. Key to this is not only the management of channels to market, but also by the ability to create, manage and foster a credible and consistent relationship with customers. At a time when counterfeit goods have also become a mainstream issue for this industry, managing the experience of luxury goods and services is more central than ever to the sustained success of luxury brands.
 IELTS:6.0 ( 各小分不低于 6.0 )


对比 丁同学
教育背景 南京航空航天大学金城学院 暂无
最高学历 本科 暂无
在校均分 暂无 暂无
成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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