  • 学生姓名:董同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:申请中 入学时间:2023-9
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:Master of Science in ​Computer Control & Automation
  • 学部:暂无 申请学制:暂无
  • 国内毕业院校:山东大学

申请专业:Master of Science in ​Computer Control & Automation

Course Code
Course Title
Course Content
Computer Control Systems

Discrete-time system modelling and analysis. Cascade compensation. State-space design methods. Optimal control. Design and implementation of digital controllers.	3
EE6204	Systems Analysis	Linear, Dynamic and Integer Programming. Optimization Techniques. Random Processes. Queuing Models. Markov Decision Process.	3
EE6221	Robotics & Intelligent Sensors	Overview of robotics. Motion planning and control. Mobile robots . Controller hardware/software systems. Sensor systems and integration.	3
EE6222	Machine Vision	Fundamentals of image processing & analysis. Feature Extraction Techniques. Pattern / Object Recognition and Interpretation. Three- Dimensional Computer Vision. Three-Dimensional Recognition Techniques. Biometrics.	3
EE6225	Process Control	Basic control algorithms. Model Predictive Control. Multivariable control. Plant parameter estimation. Case studies in process control.	3
General Elective Courses
Course Code
Course Title
Course Content
EE6010	Project Management & Technopreneurship	Project Initiation and Planning. Project Scheduling and Implementation. Project Monitoring, Control and Evaluation. Innovation and Entrepreneurship.	3
EE6223	Computer Control Networks	Data Networks in Control and Automation. Local Area Network Concepts and Fieldbus. Application Layer of Fieldbus and MAP. Internetworking and Protocols. Real-time Operating Systems and Distributed Control. Network Performance and Planning. Multimedia in Advanced Control and Instrumentation.	3
EE6227	Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning	Review of Combinatorics and Probability. Introduction of Genetic Algorithms. Differential Evolution. Particle Swarm Optimization. Advanced Techniques. Principles of Machine Learning. Paradigms of Machine Learning. Kernel Methods.	3
EE6401	Advanced Digital Signal Processing	
Discrete signal analysis and digital filters. Power spectrum
estimation. Linear prediction and optimal linear filters. Multi-rate digital signal processing. DSP Architectures and applications.
EE6427	Video Signal Processing	
Image and Video Basics. Image and Video Transform Coding.
Filtering and Error Resilience for Image and Video. Image and Video Coding Principles and Standards. Recent and Emerging Topics in Image and Video Processing.
EE6503	Modern Electric Drives	
Introduction. DC Motor Drives. Induction Motor Drives. Synchronous Motor Drives. Servo-Motor Drives.
EE6509	Renewable Energy Systems in Smart Grids	Introduction to Power Systems with Distributed Generation. Distributed Generation. Energy Storage. Smart Grids.	3
EE6511	Power System Modelling & Control	Steady-state Power System Networks. Network Components. Stability Analysis. Power System Control.	3
EE7204	Linear Systems	
Input/Output System Models. State Space Representation. Norms of Signals and Systems. Decomposition of Linear Time-Invariant Systems. Linear Feedback Design. Convex Optimization for Linear System Analysis and Design.
EE7205	Research Methods	Research Preparation and Planning. Research Sources and Review. Quantitative Methods for Data Analysis. Experimental research methods. Academic Writing & Presentation.	3
EE7207	Neural and Fuzzy Systems	
Introduction to artificial neural networks. Recurrent and Hopfield Neural Network. Multi-layer perception neural network. Radial basis function neural network. Support vector machines. Self-organizing map neural network. Applications of neural network. Fundamentals of fuzzy logic and fuzzy systems. Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy modelling and identification. Stability analysis of fuzzy systems. Applications of fuzzy systems.
EE7401	Probability and Random Processes	Probability concepts. Random variables. Multiple random variables. Sum of random variables and multidimensional distributions. Random Sequences. Probability density function estimation. Random variable simulation. Random processes. Correlation functions. Spectral density. Random processes in linear systems. Optimum linear systems. Nonlinear systems.	3
EE7403	Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition	
Image Fundamentals. Image Enhancement and Restoration. Image Analysis. Decision Theory and Statistical Estimation. Classification and Clustering. Dimensionality Reduction.
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 0.0 )


对比 董同学
教育背景 山东大学 暂无
最高学历 本科 暂无
在校均分 暂无 暂无
成绩 暂无 暂无
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