  • 学生姓名:喻同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:申请中 入学时间:2023-2
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:Master of International Management
  • 学部:business 申请学制:2 years
  • 国内毕业院校:暂无

申请专业:Master of International Management

Core Courses

All students must complete the following core courses:

COMMERCE 7039: Business Research Methods 
INTBUS 7500: Fundamentals of International Business 
INTBUS 7015: Cross-Cultural Management and Negotiation 
INTBUS 7506: International Business Strategy 
INTBUS 7501: Global Business Analysis 
INTBUS 7016: Managing Multinational Corporations 
INTBUS 7503: International Entrepreneurship and Innovation 
TRADE 5001: International Trade: Strategies and Opportunities
In addition, students enrolled in the two year program must complete the following:

COMMGMT 7006: People and Organisations
ACCTING 7025: Accounting Essentials for Decision Makers 
ECON 7200: Economics Principles 
MARKETNG 7104: Marketing Management 

Students must complete:

one course from the Internships category below and three courses from General Electives, OR
four courses from General Electives if undertaking an approved international exchange or an approved international double degree with partner institutions, OR
both courses comprising the Research Specialisation category below.

PROF 7500: Postgraduate Professions Internship
PROF 7502: Postgraduate Professions Internship: Overseas
INTBUS 7509: International Management Internship
General Electives:

MARKETNG 7024: Developing Global Markets 
TRADE 5000: International Trade: Negotiations and Agreements
TRADE 7004: Principles of International Trade and Development
TRADE 7005: Agriculture and Food in International Trade
TRADE 7007: Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Trade and Sustainable Development
TRADE 7008: Services Trade
TRADE 7009: International Aid and Trade
ECON 7052: East Asian Economies llD
ECON 7058: Development Economics
ECON 7036: International Trade and Investment Policy llD
ECON 7044: International Finance
ECON 7072: International Trade
AGRIBUS 7054: Global Food and Agricultural Policy Analysis
AGRIBUS 7055: Global Food and Agricultural Markets
AGRIBUS 7056: Management and Performance of Global Food Chains
AGRIBUS 7057: Trends and Issues in the World Food System
LAW 7009: Mining and Energy Law
LAW 7040: International Environmental Law
LAW 7059: European Union Law
LAW 7061: Globalisation and the Legal Regulation of Work
LAW 7065: International Commercial Arbitration
LAW 7066: Private International Law
LAW 7068: International Energy Law
LAW 7070: International Trade Law
LAW 7076: International Economic Law
LAW 7150: European Business Law
COMMLAW 7012: Business and Corporations Law
COMMGMT 7003: Family Business Fundamentals
WINE 7003: Australian Wine in the Asian Century
WINE 7004: Contemporary Issues in Wine Business
Research Specialisation:

INTBUS 7510: Research Project in International Business (A)
INTBUS 7511: Research Project in International Business (B)
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 6.0 )


对比 喻同学
教育背景 暂无 暂无
最高学历 大专 暂无
在校均分 暂无 暂无
成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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最高学历 ?
专业方向 ?
百分制均分 ?
根据测试结果推断,你的基础条件符合该校留学申请,赶紧联系老师为你定制留学方案吧 咨询老师




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