You must study the following modules in year 1: Dissertation The dissertation builds on work undertaken across other modules and provides you with an opportunity to undertake a piece of independent research in a chosen topic. Normally, your dissertation will be individually supervised. Education Research: Practice and Methods This module will introduce you to the content and structure of the dissertation and prepare you for designing and undertaking a small-scale research project in education. The sessions will focus on helping you formulate appropriate research problems and q... Leadership in Education The module will provide an introduction to theories of leadership, leadership in the field of education, teacher instructional leadership for capacity building and leadership for learning to sustain school improvement. Learning and Teaching The content of this module will typically draw on a range of research and will focus on examining various aspects of learning and teaching including: - Personal perceptions about learning and teaching. - Past and current theories/models about learni... Management in Education Organisations As you progress to more senior roles in your school or educational institution there is a need to develop your skills and knowledge in the area of management. In this module you will focus on understanding the principles of management, applying these to e... Understanding Education Research Educational research is a wide-ranging field that draws upon many different disciplines and methodologies. This introductory module aims to help you navigate this complex field by providing an overview of the common paradigms and methodologies that you ar... You must also choose from the following modules in year 1: Globalisation and Education Policy In recent decades globalisation has impacted national education policies in industrialised, emerging and developing economies. This module will look at the different ways in which some education systems in different regions have changed their policies and... The Social context of education and lifelong learning The module provides an understanding of the social context of education and lifelong learning. This includes the ways in which education systems reflect broader economic, political, social and cultural structures and values; how these inform education pol...