Semester One You normally take modules worth 60 credit points (CP) in semester 1. COMPULSORY SESM6039Credit[?]: 15 Introduction to Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science (AMES) SESG6042Credit[?]: 15 Microstructural Engineering for Transport Applications SESG6034Credit[?]: 15 Surface Engineering SESG6044Credit[?]: 15 Microstructural and Surface Characterisation OPTIONAL SESG3024Credit[?]: 15 Manufacturing and Materials SESG6039Credit[?]: 15 Composites Engineering Design and Mechanics FEEG3001Credit[?]: 15 Finite Element Analysis in Solid Mechanics SESA6075Credit[?]: 15 Aircraft Propulsion FEEG6007Credit[?]: 15 Fuel Cells and Photovoltaic Systems 1 Semester Two You normally take modules worth 60 credit points (CP) in Semester 2. COMPULSORY SESG6040Credit[?]: 15 Failure of Materials and Components SESG6044Credit[?]: 15 Microstructural and Surface Characterisation OPTIONAL SESM3028Credit[?]: 15 Biomaterials FEEG6008Credit[?]: 15 Fuel Cells and Photovoltaic Systems 2 SESG6045Credit[?]: 15 Experimental Mechanics SESM6034Credit[?]: 15 Advanced Electrical Systems SESM6035Credit[?]: 15 Bio, Nano and Modelling Aspects of Tribology MANG6318Credit[?]: 15 Advanced Management SESA3026Credit[?]: 15 Aircraft Structural Design