Modules in focus Issues in Financial Accounting This module provides an international perspective on the theory and practice of financial accounting. It explores the move towards global harmonisation of accounting standards, the impact of leading standard-setting authorities, the reasons for national differences, the tendencies towards harmonisation, and the problems of multinational companies. Setting the scene: causes and examples of international differences and international harmonisation Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) International accounting and segmental reporting Evaluating financial reporting quality and earnings management International accounting and risk reporting International accounting and fair value accounting International accounting and consolidation International accounting and multinational operations International accounting and corporate social responsibilities Issues in Management Accounting This module introduces contemporary issues in management accounting. It will extend your critical understanding of the role of accounting and encourage you to develop your own research interest in the area. Introduction to developments in theory of management accounting The changing role of the management accountant Research on contemporary approaches to costing Strategic management accounting: developments in technique Developments in performance measurement frameworks Management control systems and contingency theory Management accounting in network/hybrid settings Management accounting in the public sector and NPM reforms Integrated reporting and environmental/social reporting