Compulsory modules ALT8001 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics ALT8098 Dissertation ALT8084 English Language Teaching Methods * *Candidates with less than two years' full-time teaching experience take this module as one of their compulsory options. Optional and Specialist modules If you are taking ALT8084, you shall also take 20 credits from the following modules. All other candidates shall take both of the following 20 credit modules: ALT8021 Language Awareness ALT8094 Language Learning You shall take further optional modules to a value of 60 credits from the following: ALT8018 E-Learning for Languages ALT8016 Computer Assisted Language Learning ALT8096 Thinking Skills in ELT ALT8095 Spoken Interaction in Language Learning and Testing Contexts ALT8022 English for Specific Purpose ALT8101 TESOL for Young Learners You may take one of the following non-Applied Linguistics and TESOL option modules to a maximum 20 credits. Alternative option module arrangements may be considered with the approval of the Degree Programme Director: CCC8001 The Social Psychology of Communication CCC8015 Sociolinguistics CCC8043 International Business Talk and Interaction CCC8077 Professional Communication CCC8086 Language and Cross Cultural Communication CCC8087 English in the World: Global and Cross Cultural Issues Surrounding English as a 'Lingua Franca' CCC8091 Micro-analysis of Intercultural Interaction EDU6000 Emotional Intelligence and Leadership EDU8046 Developing Thinking Skills EDU8172 Leadership and Strategic Management EDU8213 The Future of Learning NCL8007 Career Development for Masters level students