最出名应该是耶鲁大学著名的经济学教授 Steve Berry,在川普当选,收到大量悲愤交加的邮件后决定,把本学期第二次 Midterm 改为 Optional,而且这事还伤了Fox News。
Dozens of students at Cornell University gathered on a major campus thoroughfare for a “cry-in” to mourn the results of the 2016 presidential election Wednesday, with school staff providing tissues and hot chocolate. (WSJ 报道)
康奈尔大学的几十名学生聚集在一个主要的校园大道上,为星期三的 2016 年总统 选举的结果哀悼“Cry in”。学校工作人员为他们提供纸巾和热巧克力。
教授干脆决定不记 attendance 了:
At the University of Connecticut, for example, one professor emailed her students to inform them that since “the election process has been particularly trying for so many people,” she would not be “taking roll in class tomorrow.”
“My professor just canceled class because of the results of the election. He’s for Hillary Clinton.”
“Because I know this process has been difficult for many of you (emotionally and mentally), I wanted to let you know that I’m not taking roll in class tomorrow,” English professor Breann Leake states in the email, noting that “there are a lot of very real, very serious issues at stake...”
At Tufts University, arts and crafts were on offer. And the University of Kansas reminded students via social media of the therapy dogs available for comfort every other Wednesday.
女子学院 Bryn Mawr College
Another similar petition from students at Bryn Mawr College demands a similar break from class, saying “We need a day to heal after we’ve been told the country doesn’t value our existence at all.”
Another professor at the University of Rochester, Karl Mohn, cancelled all of his meetings with students after election day because he couldn’t bear to discuss the outcome of the vote with students....
One student at Iowa State University, Lindsey Beck, posted a copy of an email she received from a professor who had canceled class due to Trump’s victory, noting “this is only one of two” of her classes that were canceled.
“Due to the emotional response by a large number [of] students as a result of last night’s election I have decided to cancel class and to postpone the quiz until Friday,” her professor wrote, noting that “this was a life-changing event” and perhaps “one of the most shocking events in our history.”
“I think many of you will need some time to cope due to the polarizing nature of the campaign,” he continues. “Please be safe and show compassion to your peers.”
Dozens of other students throughout the country took to social media to explain that their professors had canceled class out of concern that students are “emotionally and mentally unable to be there.”
“When your professor canceled class today cuz he’s pissed Donald Trump won,” one student posted to Facebook, while another recounted that his “teachers have canceled class today...since there’s a protest” on campus.