TOP 1 :Harper Adams University College(4.73)
@BB:Uni experience so far has been absolutely amazing and i dont want to leave. Its such a welcoming uni with a strong communitu spirit and really enjoyable social life.
@Lucy Bates:Amazing university with fantastic career prospects. Have made friends for life. One of the best decisions I have made in terms of furthering my academic career.
@Amelia:I am loving my time at university. Every lecture is interesting, the people are all friendly, the campus has all the facilities needed. the nightlife is always a good night out and the SU do all they can to get everyone involved.
TOP 2 :Loughborough University(4.63)
@Jack:Great:Met lots of friends, great lecturers, learnt lots and gained an internship. Accomodation is nice and feel prepared for a job after graduation. Would definitely reccomend Loughborough
@Ben Allen:Its been excellent so far. My course is interesting, engaging, and sufficiently challenging. The university community is friendly and inclusive, anyone can find someone who they can associate with. There is also more than enough in the way of society and sporting groups. Overall the uni, prepares all graduates for the working world.
@Sarah Loftus:I LOVE LOUGHBOROUGH! It may sound like I'm exaggerating or sugar coating the university, but my personal experience has been nothing but enjoyable. Yes I've had struggles and some problems, but nothing more than the standard student stress. The friends I've made here have helped me through, along with the support workers & facilities provided here.
综排好,录取要求又不严苛,曾经创造过学生提交申请,四分钟内发出offer的记录。热门申请专业我都有,个个排名还挺高,商学院门槛不高好申请,是提供无需专业背景的金融类转专业硕士中排名最高的英国大学。传媒妥妥的英国 Top 10;作为工科起家,土木、水利、机械、电子电气也是稳居Top 10 的节奏,还有一个优秀到整个英国都颤抖的体育管理专业撑门面,爱上拉夫堡的宝宝能绕地球好几圈。
TOP 3 :Swansea University(4.59)
@Ibrahim Shomade:Overall experience at this Univerity is outsatnding. The quality of teaching is excellent. The lecturers are friendly and always ready to help and most important of all, Swansea is an amazing place to live!
@Elizabeth:They say university is the best years of your life and it is so true. I wasn't sure what to expect when I first came here but I am loving every second of it. I have learned so much and am keen to go into postgraduate research, I have joined clubs and sports and made many friends and I love the beautiful city that I live in. I couldn't ask for a better university experience.
@Laura Manley:One of the best life choices I've made by going to Swansea. Highly recommend to anyone! The standard of teaching allows you to develop as a person within your subject and persue a career
斯望西大学是英国老牌传统公立大学,曾连续五年被英国泰晤士(Times)与伦敦金融时报(Financial Times)评为全英顶尖50名的著名大学。斯旺西大学的工程学院是全英仅有的几个科研获得最高等级且教学参评获‘优秀’的工程学院,土木工程专业和材料工程专业尤为出色,且斯旺西大学与众多世界知名公司像雀巢公司、联合利华、宝洁公司、英国电信、空中客车、博世、劳斯莱斯都有非常密切的合作,95%的毕业生在毕业六个月之后即可获得就业或继续深造,选择斯旺西的宝宝们就业前景也是一片看好。
TOP 4 :Bangor University(4.55)
@Keira Hand:I have never regretted coming here, I have made so many friends, feel safe and have had so much opportunity.
@Rebecca Foulks:It's been good, everyone is helpful and nice so you feel comfortable here at this university.
@Rhea Coyle:Amazing, interesting, inspirational
TOP 5 :University of Leeds(4.51)
@Grace:Really enjoyed it. Loved getting to know more people and joining societies. Course is what I expected and nightlife is great. Wish there was more things to do outside the student bubble though.
@Kris:fantastic - came to Leeds through clearing but couldn't have asked for a better uni experience. great campus uni in the heart of a fun and lively city. lots of support with fantastic clubs and societies.
@Amelia:Loved Leeds, recommend it to anyone looking for a top class University in a lively city with a great student population and atmosphere. Something for everyone at Leeds.
TOP 6 : University of Exeter(4.48)
@Amy:My experience at Exeter has been fantastic. The teaching has been of a high standard, all of the staff are very supportive and the campus set up means there is always lots going on
@Caroline Mayer:Love Exeter, loads of nice people , interesting course.
@Annie:A lot better than expected! I settled in fast and really enjoy my course, the people and the play as s whole! I feel at home and confident there, and really feel it was the right choice.
埃克塞特大学是英国的传统大学之一,也是一所世界一流的研究型大学,学术研究水准有着较高的声誉,尤其在社会科学、文科和艺术研究等领域表现尤为出色。埃克塞特大学商学院的两个旗舰授课型硕士专业:国际管理专业,金融分析与资金管理专业分别位列2016年金融时报全球学科专业排名前80强和前50强。从埃克塞特大学参与英国“全国学生调查”以来,埃克塞特大学就没下过全英Top 10 ,好口碑代代相传