喜大普奔,很多英国留学的同学们都担忧英国毕业后留英工作的问题,英国留学最新政策:英国 Tier2 工作签证配额优先考虑留学生。从10月起,英国内政部移民和签证署就会开始实施新的政策,而且这次对即将毕业的学生好处更是多得多得多。
1. 配额优先考虑给毕业生。
From October 2016, however, Tier 2 visa applications from overseas graduates will receive greater weighting within the monthly Tier 2 visa allocation system, granting them a higher chance of approval within this competitive system.
2. 新政允许毕业生获得工作签证后,通过培训期后,转换职位和职能。
The new rules will also allow graduate visa holders to change roles within their sponsor organisation once their training period is over and they have secured a permanent position. This will allow both employers and their graduate migrant staff more flexibility in maximising the reach of in-house talent.
3. Tier 2最低薪资上调,但毕业生不受影响。
Despite the minimum salary requirement for Tier 2 (General) applicants increasing to £30,000 by April next year, this requirement will remain at £20,800 for Tier 2 applications from new entrants (applicants who are either under 26 years of age, are transferring from a Tier 4 visa, or have been hired through a milk round recruitment process). The new rules listed above are just a small part of the upcoming changes to the UK immigration rules.
尽管从明年四月起,Tier 2 工签的最低工资标准将上调至£30, 000,但反过来其实对广大留学生无疑是一个利好消息。在有经验工作者的工资标准提高之后,将会刺激英国雇主选择刚刚从大学毕业、须付薪水低、潜力大、签证转换更加容易的留学生群体。