Master of Science -Accounting and Finance
Master of Science - Banking and Finance
Master of Science Banking and Finance (Universitat Tubingen Partnership) (24 months)
Master of Science - Business and Management
Master of Science - Business Analytics
No Qualification: Postgraduate - Business School - No Award -Semester
No Qualification: Postgraduate - Business School - No Award -Year
Master of Science -Communication and Entrepreneurship
Master of Science - Cultural Industries and Entrepreneurship
Master of Science - Digital Marketing
Master of Science - Environmental Leadership and Management
Master of Science - Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management
Master of Science - Financial and Computational Mathematics
Master of Science - Finance and Investment
Master of Science - Financial Technology
Master of Science - Human Resource Management and Organisation
Master of Science - Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Master of Science - Information Systems and Operations Management
Master of Science - Interational Business
Master of Science - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Master of Business Administration- Executive
Master of Business Administration - Business Administration
Master of Science - Marketing
Master of Science -Management
Master of Science - Risk Management
Master of Science - Supply Chain and Operations Management
Master of Science - Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship
Master of Science - International Tourism Management and Marketing

诺丁汉大学教育专业位居全球Top50 ,其他机械工程、化学工程、建筑、心理学、法律等专业均位居全球Top100。