这是美国教育机构EducationUSA在厄瓜多尔瓜亚基尔(Guayaquil)的学术顾问贝伦·罗夫莱斯(Belén Robles)的亲身体会。
26岁的罗夫莱斯于2015年5月9日从美国印第安纳州埃文斯维尔大学(University of Evansville)毕业,获得商学经济专业主科和政治学副科学位。两天之后,她成为瓜亚基尔的EducationUSA中心学术顾问,指导学生如何申请到美国留学并在学业上取得成功。
2019年6月,学生在厄瓜多尔首都基多(Quito)出席“美国留学五步骤”(5 Steps to Study in the U.S.)讲座。(© Luis Gorotiza)
本文由自由撰稿人Lenore T. Adkins撰写。
Tips from an expert: Navigating a U.S. university
If you wind up going to college in the United States, do as many internships as possible and be sure to leave a good impression on your bosses and coworkers.
Those are the people who can lead you to a future job, says Belén Robles, an academic adviser for EducationUSA in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Robles, 26, knows what she’s talking about.
On May 9, 2015, she graduated from the University of Evansville in Indiana with a degree in business and economics and a minor in political science. Two days later, she became an academic adviser at the EducationUSA center in Guayaquil, where she offers students guidance in how to apply to and succeed at U.S. colleges and universities.
Robles says she opted for an American university because she wanted a good education that would allow her to contribute to her community in Ecuador.
“I wanted to be Ecuador’s president at that point,” she says, “so I wanted to prepare as much as I should, because I thought politics was a way to make a change.” She no longer has her eye on Carondelet Palace, but that doesn’t mean she has lost her ambition to help others.