被 waitlist 了,挫败感肯定是有的。但是,一定要摆正心态,由于 waitlist 不确保录取,其他学校该交订金还是交订金,不要耽误,如果转正成功的话,损失一些定金不算什么。
何为 waitlist?
Waitlist 最本质的原因是由于 yield rate(即实际来校学生/录取学生的比例)的不确定性,学校往往不确定到底有多少人拿到录取通知书后会来上学。
一般被女神校给你 waitlist 的话,意味着“女神”觉得你还可以,但是还差了点意思。就是在考察完你的综合实力后,认为你某些方面不够优秀。所以,才会给你 waitlist 哦
被 waitlist 之后,是不是所有的学校都要花时间、下功夫去挽回呢?USNews 就曾直接给大家列了一个 waitlist 录取率为 0% 的学校名单:加州大学河滨分校,波士顿大学,伍彻斯特理工学院,杜兰大学啥的。被这几所 waitlist,一般是希望幻灭!
在学校的官网和谷歌 research 一下往年的 off waitlist 的比率。值得注意的是学校的每年申请局势不同,例如 UC Berkely 就出现过把所有 waitlist 都录了,然而下一年一个也不录的情况。
一般来说,放弃 offer 的人越多,你转正的机会就越大。如果你曾经加过梦校的申请群就再好不过了,可以询问一下拿到 Offer 的同学的意向,衡量一下转正的几率。
关于waitlist letter
如果招生官要求你写一份 waitlist letter,你可以随信附上你更新的成绩。而这封信的目的主要是 :
3)试图让自己从众多 waitlist letter 中脱颖而出。
Example of introduction for your letter:
Dear XX University Office of Graduate Admissions,
I would like to sincerely thank the XX Graduate Admissions Committee for taking the time to look through my application amongst the thousands of applicants and offering me an opportunity to be on the waiting list. XX University is still my dream school, and if accepted off the waitlist, I would happily attend. I would like to take this opportunity to display my continued interest in XXU and update the Admissions Committee on some of my accomplishments since applying.
信的第二部分是 update your information。注意不要重复你在网申时所提到的成绩和成就。把你的 updates 控制在2-3个主题。
你可以告诉学校你最近正在全球知名的网校(coursera)上修读该方向相关的课程,或者已经获取的广受到认可的 certificate 证明自己的热情与能够学好此课的能力。或者一直在刷三围成绩,已经取得了不错的分数!
Example of update for one accomplishment:
I have also been making substantial progress on my research project for Intel ISEF. My project seeks to test whether statistical regression and neural networking can predict geo-political conflicts in developing nations. I have been developing an algorithm to analyze such patterns using a framework of a naïve Bayes classifier under the guidance of Mr.X, the Technology General Manager at XX LLC.
This project has completely changed my perceptions of the unique dynamics implicit in a complex geo-political struggle. Additionally, I have gained an even greater appreciation for computer science’s broad applicability to solve qualitative challenges, while feeding my lifelong curiosity about international relations. It would be nice if I could eventually achieve my goal of making basic predictions about such conflicts… I wouldn’t complain either if my program found itself in the CIA’s computer system one day.
Waitlist letter 的最后一部分,你需要将你自己和其他的申请者区分出来。这部分我们称之为“humanizing factor”,也就是说你需要提供的一个有趣/奇特的的updates,目的是让招生官觉得有趣,也算是为博之一笑。在招生官阅读了上百份的 waitlist letter 后,“humanizing factor”也许会让你脱颖而出。
Example of humanizing factor:
Finally, I have stopped trying to beat my nine-year-old sister at Wii. Even as the captain of my school’s basketball team, I still lose miserably whenever she chooses to play me in the digital version. (Note that in this example, we assume we have updated the school above on our basketball accomplishments.)
Example of closing:
XXU has distinguished itself as a top institution, and I am continuously in awe as I read about its amazing work in helping students achieve their dreams. I would like to thank the Office of Graduate Admissions once again for reviewing my application, and I would eagerly matriculate if offered a position in the Class of 2022.
(Physically Sign Your Name Here)
Your Name
总之,一封好的 waitlist 推荐信会借助推荐人的视角来展示此学生自从申请deadline之后的 updates(最好与你在waitlist letter中所写的内容相互呼应)。尝试去领英找寻是否有前同事、同事、老板曾是校友,拿到推荐信。
以上就是 waitlist 转正大法了!虽然被女神校备胎了是件非常难过的事情,但做到了以上几步,你可以大大增加了自己转正的几率,毕竟不到最后,你也不知道到底会发生什么!
最后,Good luck to all applicants!